Menagerie of Friends

Menagerie of Friends
by Robert Duncan

Friday, February 3, 2012

Chicken Breeds

Here is some basic information on breeds to help you pick out your chicks!  This is by all means not a complete list of breeds, but some of the more popular...

Bantam (or Banty) is a poultry term used to descibe a small variety of chicken. A bantam is not a breed, but rather refers to size. Bantams are usually one fourth to one fifth the size of a standard chicken breed, and their eggs are likewise smaller. Many standard chicken breeds have a bantam counterpart, sometimes called "miniatures". A "true bantam" has no standard-breed (large) counterpart.

Ameracauna - Blue/Green Eggs

Barred Rock - Brown Eggs

Black Australorp - Light Brown Eggs

Buff Orpington - Brown Eggs

Light Brahma - Light Brown/Brown Eggs

New Hampshire Red - Brown/Darker Brown Eggs

Red Laced Blue Wyandotte - Light Brown Eggs

Rhode Island Red - Dark Brown/Brown

Sexlink  - Brown Eggs

White Leghorn - White Eggs

White Plymouth Rock - Light Brown Eggs

Wyandotte - Light Brown Eggs

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